Among the simplest organisms, there are many animal and human parasites. Here are the parasitic protozoa that cause the most serious and common diseases.
Amoseba dysentery
Amenta dysentery is similar to the common one, but smaller and has a shorter and wider rhizome. It enters the human digestive system through the mouth at the cyst stage. In the large intestine, amoebae leave cysts and feed on bacteria without harming humans. In the future, these simplest organisms begin to invade the intestinal wall, feed on red blood cells, and become parasites. Ulcers form in the intestines, thinning the human body. There is amoebic dysentery, or amebiasis.
Dysentery amoeba can enter the bloodstream and reach the liver. Here, too, parasites lead to the formation of purulent ulcers.
Forming cysts, amoebae leave the human body with fragments of undigested food. Mild cysts spread easily. If you do not wash your hands and food, you can be infected with them.
Plasmodium malaria
Plasmodia are parasitic protozoa. Some types of plasmodia cause malaria in humans. Carriers of malaria plasmodia are malaria mosquitoes. During an insect bite, plasmodium enters the host’s bloodstream. Along with the blood, it reaches the liver, feeds there, grows and reproduces. After that, many plasmodia enter the bloodstream and begin to do parasites on erythrocytes, destroying them and releasing their waste products, which poison the host. Someone has a fever, he suffers from anemia.
If a malaria patient is bitten again by an anopheles mosquito, now plasmodia will be transmitted from person to mosquito. In the body of a mosquito, Plasmodium reproduces sexually.
Malaria is common in Africa. This is a very dangerous disease. Fight malaria, including destroying malaria mosquitoes.
Trypanosomes of the genus are parasitic protozoa with flagella (related to euglena). Their main hosts are vertebrates, and insects are usually carriers. Different representations of trypanosomes cause different animal and human diseases. They are parasitic mainly in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid. The most well -known and common disease caused by trypanosome species is sleep disorders.
The carrier of sleep disorders is the tsetse fly. The disease is specific to tropical Africa. Sleep disorders develop in two stages: the first few weeks a person is tormented by fever and pain, after a month or so of drowsiness, sleep and coordination disturbances, and changes in consciousness. The disease is easier to treat in the first stage.
Giardia is a genus of parasitic flagellate protozoa. Intestinal lamblia cause giardiasis in humans and animals, where the parasite lives in the small intestine.

A person is infected with giardiasis by eating unwashed food that contains Giardia cysts. Coming out of the cyst, the lamblia attach to the intestines and eat the digested food.
Leishmania is another genus of parasitic protozoa. They cause leishmaniasis in humans and many other animals. The vector is a mosquito.
There are various types of leishmaniasis that are associated with damage to various body tissues. One of them is Pendinsky's ulcerative skin disease.
Coccidia parasites many animals, including worms, arthropods, and fish. They cause coccidiosis, which causes serious damage in livestock and fish farming.
Coccidia settle in the form of spores containing parasite cells.
The genus Toxoplasma belongs to the coccidia. Their representatives cause diseases that are widespread in humans such as toxoplasmosis. Someone is infected with a pet or undercooked meat food. Toxoplasma affects many organs, including the nervous system.